
Post nr: 5878
Author: Annie Posted: (4913 days ago)
Subject: Outlining tool (Texts: 1 )

Found this super fun website where you can make outlines.

It's in "alpha," which is apparently an actual stage that comes before beta. :P

I've been playing around with it to make an outline for another novel. It's...super fun. Anybody else use outlining tools?


Post nr: 5831
Author: Zadius (the movement) Posted: (5447 days ago)
Subject: Still Technology... (Texts: 2 )

Hmm, perhaps I was just born say, fifty years too late but is there anyone else in Writersco who prefers the sound quality of records over CD's??? I'm so upset I've ruined my favourite vinyl, I'm seriously almost in tears... waaah! ok I am.... ;_;


Post nr: 5806
Author: Tyr Zalo Hawk (New work, also engaged; who knew?) Posted: (5454 days ago)
Subject: Assuming this counts... (Texts: 26 )

So, since this is technology I'm assuming that video games count, right?

Well, here it goes.

I'm a gamer. Pureblooded gamer, in fact. 1st Gen. I pick up games and learn how to play well in less than an hour if I care at all about the game. I have a tendency to be rather good at the games I play too, and end up being the best out of my small group of friends, or at least that's typically the case. Gaming is practically my religion, my faith. the rules and codes of gaming well are my commandments, and the PS3 might as well be the Second Coming. That's just how I roll.
That being said, I'm an RPGer. I've played them since I started gaming, and will continue to do so until the day that I die (because, eventually, I'll just get robotic hands to replace my arthritic mortal hands). Yes, I do play other games, but I'm really only hardcore about the RPGs (and, occasonally, fighting games. But that's another post).

So, I'm just wondering if there are any other gamers out there. Casual gamers are welcome to post too, or even people who have no idea what the heck I'm talking about, because I'd love to help initiate anyone into gaming if they're interested.


Post nr: 3276
Author: ~Paz~ (New name: Paz) Posted: (6685 days ago)
Subject: HTML Problem (Texts: 10 )

I hope this is the right forum to post this in... anyways, I came across a problem when making a wiki. Any words used with the <h1> and <h2> tags would not center when I used the <center> tags on it. (I even checked the spelling)

However, the tags that underline, bold, generate italics, and a slash line centered when the tag was used along with normal lettering.

Are we unable to center words with those two tags or is something wrong?

The examples can be found at: Hello


Post nr: 1523
Author: Moorn (New name: Mister Saint) Posted: (6917 days ago)
Subject: Word Count (Texts: 11 )

Does anyone here happen to know what the conversion is for word count on a computer to number of pages in print? I've been told a couple of different things, but I would like to know for certain.


Post nr: 125
Author: Erestor (New name: -deleted-) Posted: (6984 days ago)
Subject: Starting ... (Texts: 4 )

Will we be able to make index (.css) sheets for here?

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