[Eloura]: 341.Touching Poems.Time

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2008-01-28 13:24:20
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We all have such little time
In this world to live
So why do we destroy it
when time is so presious

We do so many things
that could ruin our life
Reckless driving
drug, or alcohol

There are somethings
that we may do
They aren't on purpose
yet they hurt me and you

So why do we keep
trying when we shouldn't
to fight with each other
instead of enjoying life

When time is so little
like a human life
Things are constantly changeing
with an opening of a door

We should take the time though
to just enjoy the day
without the rush and haze
of each and every day

Go and smell the flowers
Listen to the birds
Watch the sun rise
each and every morning

You will soon realise
that the day can be pretty
and that alone
will make you feel giddy

So take aside time
each day in this world
and soon your realise
There a lot more to this world

More than the electronics
and more than pertrol
more then money
and more then our goals

Because in this world
not only are groups of people important
every single person
has a purpose

By taking time each day
you'll soon start to realise
that we are not alone
we are a series

Because each action we take
effects one another
allowing each of us
to help each other

(I'll probally add more, In time but so far I like this, even if it's not to good..)

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