[Blood_suk'n Pirate]: 604.Damaged soul, but still a sweetheart.Hidden Feelings

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2006-12-08 19:35:13
Hidden Feelings
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"Hidden Feelings"
By Keshia Foster

You think being in love with you is easy well think again, it's damn hard.
I had this feeling since the day we met because you let me put down my guard.
Our situation is different than others, yeah we are friends.
And I agreed not to ruin this, of what we have and let it end.
But I can't stop thinking about you with her, of whom you talk to me about.
I just don't get it, but I have an idea, yet I just want to yell " DON'T DO THAT!" OUT LOUD.
You've told me many times why we shouldn't be a couple, a pair.
Not comprehending, Although you think I just don't care.
But I do, I do respect your statment on why we can't be together.
Everyday, DAMN DAY! We speak to each other, we talk, we- i write you notes, so do I think this is for the better?
Better for our friendship, our funniness, our very hilarious wackiness?
And for me thoughts, my emotions on our would be tackiness?
Just to think I almost had you, I almost had you in my arms.
Guess that was a dream, as many as those bad karma harms.
Don't want to dwell on this, to be sadden by your happiness with her.
And hide behind under the breath talk, speaking to myself murmurs.
I think I should stop writing of what I feel.
and let my emotions refill, let my mind refocus, and let this broken heart heal.
Refrain from leting my head fall into my hands and just cry.
So I sign off with this, with nothing but a great big sigh.

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