[Petals of the Reincarnate]: 612.A small collection of poetry

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2006-12-13 13:09:39
Rainbow Snake.
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Time versus the End

The night closed in, and all was calm for now. As the earth had shattered, so to, had time. The old urban ledgend of the Rainbow snake had proven true. By now, Lucian was no more, and Adriana had disappeared to some other place altogether. They had lost their grip, but Briodine had her own tigtly gripped about the earth. And she was with child. The Child of the Devil.
The end was near, but there was still time. Either for a quick exist, or to rear it's mulkti-coloured scaled head back up and fight the end. Or indeed, Briodine and her coop of snivelling worms. Tymous was ready, and his fatal tongue flickered, ready to strike it's deadly, knife-edge blow. It was a fight he may well lose, but Tymous was a proud snake, and he would die fighting to the very last scale of time. He was not a coward. Briodine had evolved into her very last shape shift. Tymous, himself a rattle snake , would be tested with the deadly cobra that Briodine had shifted into, a bite
as poisonous as her words.

The earth shook once again, this time taking huge sections of the road and pavings with it. Tree's uprooted and fell into the ground as though some hungry creature was sucking everything down. To the mortals of earth, this was the end of time, and they feared hell was down below, waiting to greet the sinners and the innocent alike. They were afraid, for a lot of them had not made their peace yet. Many still did not kno w what to believe in, and what not to. Lately, it seemed as though teh world had gone mad. Reports on the news of creatures roaming the earth-creatures that belonged in the horror version of a fairy tale book by a chil'd bedside. It was not meant to be real. And yet here they were. Obviously, the ground had opened up, and all the demons that had lived below had grown tired of hiding away and had claimed the earth for their own.
 Although this was not the case, the creatures of Thorne had become equally afraid, for they did their job, and kept to themselves to make their world only available to the belivers and the mad men.

Briodine's own, stately home that she had 'mysteriously' and quite prosperously aquired too bore the wounds of the imminent end. A great crack seperated the house into two halves, each teetering at the edge of a great cavernous fissure that seemed to go down for miles.

Tymous was ready. He licked his lips in anticipation, and dread. The rainbow snake, in general, was a neutral character, neither good, nor bad, having to act in the best interests of the overall structure of the universe. The very fact that Bridoine was intent on manipulating time, the predetermination of the fates themselves, and the very birth of the earth over forty billion years ago, was strictrly against the law of the unilateral verse. She would have ended up flipping the whole spectrum of teh universes' core into oblivion. Time would have been back-to front, catapulted into a mirror image of the absolute.

Dressed in his black hooded robes, he made his way up the grand steps to the entrance of the house. On either side of the large door stood twin intertwining snake statues, running underneath the door frame, about fourteen foot high.
 As he crossed the thershold he stopped abruptly, gazed into a massive canyon in the middle of the checkboard hallway split the house in two. He shuddered. He may have been near on immortal, but a fall that lasted forever would have sent him crazy. His mind was immortal. He looked around for a brief moment, then, slipped off his robes, and dropped to his belly. He slithered along up the side of the nearest wall, making his way to the wobbling wooden staircase on the far side of the hall way. The crumbling plaster was rough against his delicate, dry scales but Tymous did not seem to notice as his twelve foot body sirlwd along the banister railing and up the grand stair case.

Meanwhile, the four stone statues of the snakes outside the house began to stir. They writhed and slid along the door, freeing themselves of one another. It became apparent that each snake was made up of thousands of individual smaller snakes, whick seem to make the snakes skin move, seemed to drip like blackened tar. It was a grotesque sight. 

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