[Petals of the Reincarnate]: 612.Morning Lullaby- A poem

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2006-12-30 22:14:24
Lullaby, Morning

Guilded like the thorn of eternity
Stuck firmly through the heart
The cruel flick of your tongue
Biting through flesh
Your words puncture like a thick hateful thorn
It give you sustance
Feeds the ego you so badly crave to conquer
Falling upon me
A blanketing shadow
Draped across the night
And yet, I cannot resist
The subtle beauty of your kiss
The shape of your mouth, so cruel, yet so warm
So misleading, made to lull
Into a deep sleep
Take my body firmly into your own
Hurry my lover, and purge me of my soul
make use of me
Before the sun rises
For tomorrow I will be gone

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