[Petals of the Reincarnate]: 612.The Criers- Curious Little Beings

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2006-12-30 22:21:47

As Adrianna gazed towards the skies, she watched as the tiny, human-shaped Criers came into view. Her vision in sharp focus, she took a sharp breath. They were indeed, perfect minature copies of all that was human. But these, however, were not human. Far from it. Her eyes fell on one of the curious creatures. This had human form, but instead of human skin, it bore stripes of a tiger, a feline nose, and feline eyes. Adrianna was fascinated by this stunning creature. She wanted to pluck her right out of the sky and put it in her pocket. Of course, she knew better than that. She knew that that was disrespectful, For, although they were small, they had intelligence that was so evolved, they knew all the secrets of the universe, that if Adrianna did not know of. They belonged to the futurem and th epst. The present, however, they did not belong to, and if they were not careful, they would soon evaporate into the minutes that ticked against them-Tymous, unfortunately, was not a friend of theirs whilst he was upon earth.
 But they baded their time. They had important news to tell Adrianna.

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