[Laika]: 661.Contest Entries.Five Words.April 07

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2007-04-19 13:43:06
General Prose
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It was the year of eternal winter. The Council of Wise had gathered almost daily all spring when the thaw still let the land wait for itself, and finally the Council had to admit they had no knowledge of what was wrong. They simply named the time as the year of eternal winter and went home to their families and burning fires. Only fire burning where Theba was standing was the fire of her anger, and though its flames were brighter than any star they produced only little warmth, if at all. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but a woman freezing her lovely bottom off on the street corner while everyone else is just sitting in the comfort of their well heated homes, enjoying the purr of the flames in the fireplace, and refusing to do anything about the ongoing winter has pretty much fury to hand around as well. Theba stared inside through a window and finally picked up a small stone, covered in ice, and raised her hand. "Kiss my freezing ass," she muttered and half a second later the air was filled with the sound of shattering glass.

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