[Tyr Zalo Hawk]: 712.Stories.AmidstWhatNeverWas.1.3

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2007-11-18 20:37:17
End of Chapter 1
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The onlookers below had witnessed it and gazed up, all feeling something they too hadn't felt
in a long while... hope. As the man with his broad grin floated up and into the grey sky
they realized that their stay here didn't have to be infinite. That maybe there was
something to live on for, to look forward to. Old, young, frail, strong and even those who
had lost all humanity to the void were filled with this sense of possibility that the sight had
given to them. It was suddenly a slightly brighter place... or at least the people thought
so. But even this newfound hope would fade over the milennia as they realised that he
was the only one who had ever done so.

Somewhere though, past the infinite grey at that moment, a man who had more belief in
that he had gained than lost was floating away back to what he had lost long ago.

"I was lost
So lost without you
But right now
I'm coming home.

So please wait
Don't leave without me
Cause I've been
So very alone..."

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