You know we all love them. Drabbles are little pieces of writing that are one hundred words long. In this loverly contest I shall present a challenge! You shall then create a drabble to meet that challenge. Jolly good!
Contact [Ash] with any questions.
1. All original work! No plagiarism, fanfiction, etc.
2. Follow the theme!
3. Make it as close to 100 words as you can. I realize that it is harder than it sounds, but no entries will be accepted if the word count is below 95 words or above 105 words.
4. The format for posting an entry is this --> [username] - [usernmbr.nameofwriting@writings] - word count
5. There is a minimum of three entries before judging may commence.
6. No porn please. No gratuitous violence or rape, etc. Basically keep it appropriate for a twelve or thirteen year old. 7. There are a maximum of two entries per person! - new rule!
8. Have fun!
In Details This will close when we have five entries but not before October 31st! Make sure you invite your friends!