[La Divina]'s blog

650  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-02-22
Written: (6657 days ago)

Sessha's super chizz Cookie Fairy "Loaded with Chocolate Chips Cookies" recipie!

-1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
-1/2 teaspoon salt
-1/2 teaspoon baking powder
-1 teaspoon vanilla extract
-1 large egg
-8 tablespoons unsalted butter (Sessha recommends "Challenge" butter. Ish in a blue box with a moose on it! Or is it a deer?)
- 1/4 cup white granulated sugar
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 12 oz. (2 cups) chocolate chips
*3/4 cup chopped walnuts or pecans optional.

Preheat oven to 375

1.Combine in bowl flour, salt, baking powder.
2. In another bowl, beat egg, butter, white and brown sugars. When smooth add vanilla extract.
3. Little by little add flour mixture to butter/egg/sugar mixture.
4. Add chocolate chips (and nuts).
5. Drop onto cookie sheets lightly buttered with the unsalted stuff. (You don't have to do this but it makes it easier.)
6. Bake for 15-20 minutes!

649  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-02-22
Written: (6657 days ago)

"I have not slept since noon of yesterday. If you are standing between me and my bed, you are my enemy. Move before I condem you to the Hell which I define as the rest of your existence without the joy of my cookies!"

Yeah, it was that kind of morning. I didn't sleep all night... too busy working on my draft for the English essay.

Andrew: "You stayed up all night to write a draft? Are you mad?"
Me: "I guess so."
Andrew: "Well alright, then."

645  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-02-21
Written: (6658 days ago)

Event word count: 883.


639  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-02-20
Written: (6659 days ago)

I feel like every time I leave, some sort of bomb goes off... at least I'm not in the middle of it. But the after effect really sucks. I wish I knew what was going on.
I just went home for the weekend.

608  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-02-13
Written: (6666 days ago)

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. This year, I hate it even more. The advertizements for diamond jewlery. For electronics. Since when is this simple little holiday in February the time to start shopping like it's Christmas again? I like the idea behind the whole thing, don't get me wrong or anything. It's nice to have a day to stop and look at all the wonderful relationships we are blessed with. I'm going to bake a whole bunch of chocolate chip cookies for my friends here at the I-House, and I'm making my own Valentine cards. I made Keri-lynn one with a little window on the front. You pull a little tab on the side and the picture in the wondow - which was some pink flowers - turns into a picture of cupid.
Later today I'm going to make one for Dino using a comic strip I found the other day.

574  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-02-06
Written: (6673 days ago)

Today is shaping up to be ten times better than yesterday.
I got uploading privs, so I managed to put up the picture of Skye on his profile. I also put up his Chronicles, and he's included a disclaimer for the dividers. Later today I will put up a butt-ugly rendering of the Malfuel there. Like me, Skye has no artistic talent.

568  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-02-05
Written: (6674 days ago)

Skye gets revamped.

I am trying a bread recipie Askoga gave me. And my "Crack is for asses" T-shirt gets washed. Whoo! I love that shirt. I am wearing it now. It is strangely cold in my room and I am waiting for Kumiko to come home.

557  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-02-02
Written: (6677 days ago)

Today has been the worst day I've had in a long time. I mean, it sucked out loud. I mean, so far, you know?
I had to wake up early for English and discovered that I missed an in-class essay because I wasn't there last week. Not only that, but my Professor would have dropped me if I hadn't shown up today. So in a bit I've got to go make up that essay.
I am slowly losing control over what I say and do... in the worst way. More on that later...
I lost my academic planner, so I had to buy a new one. I still have to buy a work book needed for my Public Speaking class. So after that I'll be pretty much broke.
I've got to focus, get my ass to class and really be on top of my work or else I have no idea how I'm going to survive this semester.
And I don't know how I'll make time for Event. Which sucks. Because I'm really excited about it, and now I've got to "manage my time" and crap if I want to pass all my classes. Hell. I'll make time for writing. Somehow.

550  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-31
Written: (6679 days ago)

A rant on the ff.net Teen Titans forum on what I dislike about Teen Titans fanfiction.

"Where do I start?

1. The reviewers....
Don't get me wrong. I love you guys. But it ticks me off just a bit to get reviews that go something like "OMG! This is good! Update asap!" Yeah... first off, what the fuck does "OMG" mean, anyway? And I know it's good. Else you wouldn't have taken the time to review, ne? And lastly, I hate it when people *order* me to update.
And then... you'll ask me to update... on the last chapter. The story is over. Surely if you really read it you would know that.
I write about 1000 words a chapter. That is my limit. Do not badger me to write longer ones.
You see, I've been told by quite a number of you that my stories are good. I like that. Now, if you would just tell me *why* you think they are, I would be happier. My most favorite reviews are about a paragraph long and include quotes from the chapter and such. These are the kind of people I dedicate chapters and even stories to, you know.

2. Characters....
Why is Robin always paranoid, Starfire always naive, Beastboy always juvenille, Raven depressed, and Cyborg... obsessed with meat?
That's right. I dislike character cliches... though I write them myself, I'm sure. In fact, in the fic I'm working on right now, Robin is addicted to MDMA, so he has to be paranoid. A bit. And Raven...? Well, I haven't gotten to that chapter yet. But she has good reason to be slightly depressed. But what I mean is, you shouldn't write them that way just because... give them a good reason to be what they are. A damn good one.
I'm sure they dress in civilian clothes once in a while, but it irks me when you dress Starfire in skimpy outfits, Raven in punk clothes, and Robin... well, usually he isn't so bad.
CHARACTER BASHING: I am lucky in that I have only ever recieved a few flames, and these people were stupid enough to write in: all capitals, with horrible spelling and grammar. So I was able to look at it, eyebrow raised, and say, "Well, screw you, then." And go about writing an intelligent counterattack on the next chapter of the story.
(I accept all pairings but choose to read the ones I support best!)

3. About the stories...
I, too, dislike that opening: "Robin was doing this, Starfire was in the kitchen... Beastboy and Cyborg were playing video games, and Raven was meditating." I think I've used this opening though. Or something similar... but to see it in three out of the four stories the author/ess has written? No. Recycle cans, man. Not openings.
All the author/ess/s under 15 who don't understand the concept of a spell checker. And who insist on writing crappy battle scnes and crappy love scenes that llok like they've come out of a teen soap opera. Please. Your dialogue sucks. I mean, really. Would it kill you to use words other than "said" and "shouted"? None of you understand what a friggin' comma is, much less where to put it. Are you not paying attention in your English classes?

I think that's about it for now..."

549  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-31
Written: (6679 days ago)

I kind of took a break over the weekend from making cranes, but now I'm back on it.
The music from my headphones doesn't seem to be loud enough...
Today I found out that the name I gave my rabbit means "a great help". Chizzness. He is, really. When I'm lonely, I walk around the house with him in tow or take a nap holding him and I don't feel so horrible anymore.
I wish I could play the piano.

Folding, folding, folding....

I've started a piece for that War Diary thing.
Man, I'm good.
And I have to write up an Antagonist for Event.

514  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-26
Written: (6684 days ago)

Stupid stupid I-House peoples... I told you that the most important rule was washing your own dishes. I am not your maid, as much as I'd like to be. I'm not even the kitchen aide this semester anymore... Right this moment it is taking all of my energy not to go down there and clean up... or to go down there and pull some prank on you all. Hide your food. Turn the tables upsidedown. Something.

I think chocolate cake is in order.

Tomorrow is my Birthday...

503  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-25
Written: (6685 days ago)

Just entered my chase scene!

Dunno if it's a valid entry... I mean, it has a chase scene. A shortish one, though.

499  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-24
Written: (6686 days ago)

So... I figured it's time to get off my fat arse and start doing some writing besides fanfiction, which I seem to be addicted to at the moment.

Now... to find that chase scene...

What's that, Skye? You want what? Okay, sure.

Spring semester starts tomorrow... joy...

474  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-01-20
Written: (6690 days ago)

You leave for a few days and a bomb goes off...

430  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-03
Written: (6707 days ago)

Sessha has been absent from here for long, she has.

But I finally has an idea for my little sister's fantastical, magical, meaningful story! Whoo!
And I'm on vacation! So I have time to write. Sweetness.

398  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-12-02
Written: (6739 days ago)

I have a frog purse.
Tomorrow I go to the counselor lady.
I hate being sick.

394  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-11-28
Written: (6743 days ago)

Finals coming up.
I am so dead.
I'm not worried about English or Japanese so much, but if by some miracle I survive my math, well. It will be a miracle. The final for it is on the 13th of December, but I refuse to do any last-minute cramming. I have started studying already, doing review questions from each chapter.
Friday I am going to the counselor lady.
I have to start registering for next semester. I want to take a history class, and a business class and a science. I'm thinking Chemistry.
I want to take more classes so I won't have so much time to mope around and look depressed, as this is what got me into the counseling thing in the first place. Leann noticed I didn't look "fine" when I said I was, and it kind of snowballed from there until finally I'm looking at an appointment with a personal counselor.
Nice, eh?

372  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-11-12
Written: (6759 days ago)

For [Mister Saint]-sama. And hell, even I agree with some of this stuff!

"Because I’m a film critic, between now and the end of the year I have something like 200 movies I have to see. Okay lie. It’s more like 50. But still, 50 movies is a lot. And I’m not here to complain about seeing movies for a living. I’m excited about some of them.
Enough of the boy wizard
But “Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire” is not what I’m about at this particular moment. And here’s why: I’m beat-down by all the mandatory wizardry. It’s been five years of this very special magic boy and his magic friends and their fantastical Hogwartsing and Quidditching and wand-stroking and muggle-whatevering. It’s been five years of seeing them all on the cover of Vanity Fair and Time and Entertainment Weekly and witnessing armored trucks delivering loads of each new book and watching people ripping into the boxes of them like they’re Wonka Bars with a golden ticket inside.

I’ve had to deal with friends who are freaked out that I just sort of gave up on the third book and didn’t bother to read the fourth one or the fifth one or the sixth one, hearing them go on and on about this particular series but never hearing them get that wound up about any other book or film. I’ve seen grown-ups in Gryffindor sweatshirts and had the disturbing awareness of the existence of Harry Potter slash fiction (any kids reading this, you don’t need to know what slash fic is —just forget I mentioned it). I’ve seen the billboards in the air and the busses on the ground covered in giant bus-sized eye-level billboards and TV commercials and tie-in candies that taste like dirt and vomit and Christmas tree ornaments. I’ve watched Daniel Radcliffe go through puberty with Oprah and Conan and Regis and Total Request Live and the sheer existence-crushing cultural pressure to conform and like it all. And I’m done.

Here was the last straw. I just heard last week, from an “industry” pal who must remain nameless, a story about how many zits (what they’d call “spots” at Hogwarts) had to be digitally erased from the new movie. It’s not true, of course. Or what if it is? They’re all 16 years old or thereabouts. Kids get zits. And these kids are megastars, each probably equipped with their own personal dermatologist on 24-hour standby. But it was Hollywood Gossip and therefore actual important information I needed to know. And the craziest feature of this bit of fake-out complexion reportage was its delivery to me in super-secret-double-probation hushed tones, as though these kids had been discovered with track marks on their arms or nabbed by paparazzi hanging out with Kate Moss. There is someone out there, more than one someone, in fact, who can’t get enough of breaking news like this, fabricated or un. But it was the last crack in my I-can-endure-any-amount-of-showbiz-silliness-because-it’s-my-job armor. I was officially and formally Harry Potter-Fatigued. "

371  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-11-10
Written: (6761 days ago)

Rejoice! Today is the most glorious day of [Mister Saint]-sama's Birthday!

I still remember the day I met you, Big Brother. I was role playing with you, and you were making a very long edit. I think I commented something like "Is Moorn writing a novel or something?" We had a few little spats after that, including one in which I refused to be called "-chan" by you. What a pointless argument. I will forever be your little Augi-chan, your little sister, your Nooch, your squirrel.
I am forever blessed with your friendship, and I wish for you to be very very very happy on this most wonderful day.
Here I send you a thousand hugs and a sprinkling of stars.

Happy Birthday, Big Brother!

343  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-10-25
Written: (6777 days ago)

I am Squirrel Avocado, master of cookies!

I went to Albertson's today and bought cookie mix, then made about two dozen cookies and went around offering them to random people. No one could resist!!

Bow to me!!!

It is I, she who spreads happiness and chocolate!

Also, Swar told me that he got an 'A' on the paper I edited for him! I was so very happy to hear this. Because you see, yesterday I decided that I am on a spiratual journey of my soul. I have been very miserable as of late, and I was only truely happy cleaning mountains of dishes in preperation for the I-House pancake breakfast. I felt so ALIVE!!
I am happiest when:
-helping people
-making people laugh

It is now my goal to continuously help people and make them happy. It makes me happy. And when I'm busy bakign cookies for people or helping them make the wording in their essays flow better or making them laugh, I have no time to be miserable. I have no time to look in the mirror and marvel at how ugly I am.
In fact, I feel so beautiful when I'm happy.

Sure, there were some really low points today as I walked to the store. But I shook it off, thinking of the cookies I was going to bake.

Everyone loved the cookies. And seeing them smile as I offered them one... what a happiness!

326  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-10-06
Written: (6796 days ago)

I'm on the down part of the roller coaster again. Heading down, down, down. But I have my big brother to cheer me up, and I have a brownie. Earlier I had one of those "who am I?" moments, but it passed.

 The logged in version 

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