Anthology News
Want to get published?!
WritersCo is here to help!
WritersCo is currently in the process of planning a yearly anthology that will publish some of the members' work.
To learn a little more about the anthology, check out
The Anthology
Tired of hearing us call it the anthology? Offer us a suggestion of a new name for the anthology and participate in a WritersCo contest at
Name That AnthologyDate: 2005-10-03 14:25:41
News #: 20
Reporter: RiverStar
WritersCo Competitions
WritersCo now has a
Contest Section but as you may have noticed it is empty. (aww!) No winners to praise, or deadlines to reach. Something should be done!
But before we start running contests we would like to hear from you. What sort of competitions would you like to see, how many should be run, and anything else you'd like to add in. There is currently a forum topic about the future of competitions at [
2505]. Head there now and give us some feedback and ideas.
Or now you can go to
Competition Ideas and add your ideas for potential competitions! Be creative and think about what kind of competitions you want at WritersCo!
Date: 2005-09-20 15:55:28
News #: 19
Reporter: Font
Ranking System
Now you can vote on the writings!
To list the best texts, click on "New writings last month" to the right and then on "Show best writings".
It works like this: The current score is the sum of the last 20 votes. So if less than 20 have voted for the writing, it gets a low score, even if the votes are high.
Date: 2005-09-15 16:22:15
News #: 18
Reporter: RiverStar
Monthly Newsletter
WritersCo Monthly
Starting this month, you can see a monthly newsletter that will inform you of all the big going-on’s in WritersCo. This will cut down on the amount of stuff appearing on the Main Page. From now on there will be two types of news on the main page: Community News and Technical News. Community News will feature things like new contests and new wikis, while Technical News will inform you of downtime, system bugs and new features.
Prompts and Featured Members will no longer appear on the Main Page. From now on they can be found in
WritersCo Monthly.
WritersCo Monthly will also feature an archive on that month’s news to make it easier to see anything you might have missed.
WritersCo Monthly will be available usually within the first few days of each month. There is a link to it in the Quick Links box on the left hand side of your screen.
Enjoy our new way of keeping you all informed.
Date: 2005-08-02 00:01:08
News #: 17
Reporter: RiverStar