New hair time :) can't see in this pic but my hair's actually blue.
ABOUT ME ^_^ (finally got round to it... and now it's so old I need to do it again ^^')
I like to make new friends ^_^ so please do message me as I can be shy (in my own way) and I won't message you unless I have something to message you about. (e.g I've read some of your writing... or I've read something in your profile)
I love cars (still a mild obsession of mine) and I AM doing Materials Engineering at Swansea University (still can't believe I actually got here sometimes)
I'm not a very normal person, I find the weirdest things funny and get hyped up very easily. If I'm messaging you in a hyper state then tell me to stop and I will try my best XD
I hate: well.... I don't really hate anything but I dislike "hi" messages. If you are going to message me at least have something constructive to say!
I cannot respond to "Hi" messages with anything other than "Hi".
I'm a pretty slow writer generally, sometimes I'll bomb things out pretty quickly (some pretty ok things too). But usually I take my sweet time over any writings I'm doing
There's not a lot else to say at the moment, I love a good read and don't mind proof reading (so if you'd like someone to proof read your work just drop me a line)
I read most types of writing, but I really enjoy reading all fantasy and science fiction. I'm also somewhat of a hopeless romantic and love a good bit of fluff :3
I have done a story beginning but I have major MAJOR
writers block on it... so any suggestions for it would be great! (haha 2 year writers block. Well actually I haven't looked at it for 2 years so maybe I can come up with something now)
Anywho I would like people to critique my work PLEASE, I would like that, I'll do my best to critique your work should I think of something constructive to say.
I also have an elftown account :)... same username... same me, just not much writing up there.