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2006-04-27 [Metal Tsubasa]: Fan fics? Okay, this may sound mean, and I'm sorry in advance. Fan fics are amature writting. I used to do them myself until I realized that there was nothing creative about them. You're using someone else's characters, based in someone elses world and with someone elses story which most fan fic writers end up warping to shove themsleves into a story or other made up characters that they relate to themselves. I would hope that fan fics are only a side thing that you do, because if you really love to write, you should be writing things that are more creative that manipulating something already made. Being a part of the New Ideas Team, I would say that doing fan fics should not be used
2006-04-27 [Metal Tsubasa]: in something like this, where it is based on creativity. Using other people's creative ideas isn't really using your own imagination. Nonetheless, I personaly did not make this wiki and it is not my choice in the matter. I am stating my opinion and I hope to discuss it with th eperson who actualy created this wiki. Yes I know, I'm mean and opinionated, but I needed to say this. If you have problems with this, please message me.
2006-04-27 [Lady of Lore]: I understand totally, it is limiting the originality of the writer to use other people's characters. I wrote this a long time ago, I've learned a lot about writing and about who I am as a writer and my own characters are much stronger and better than the ones I could use. I'm keeping that entry there until I can finish a better and more recent peice. Its not being mean since you mean well by it, you know that if we build from our own characters much more care and skill is used. Thanks for being so bold and pointing that out. We can always use honest and true criticism. I will try to put up a better peice as soon as I can. ^_^
2006-04-27 [Ravendust]: I definately agree. ^^ My characters are totally original in any case, it's just that their feelings for each other and how far they'd be willing to go for each other that is sort of based on Sailor Moon, I even put that at the bottom of my entry...
2006-04-27 [Lady of Lore]: we all start and learn somewhere, its important though that we move on to bigger and better things once we've learned the lessons that we can from the experiences
2006-04-27 [Ravendust]: I started with original characters- moved on to ff characters- and am still caught between original/ff... fanfictions, though not original, help hone writing skills
2006-04-27 [Lady of Lore]: mine are all original now, based off of the things I see in people now. Try watching people, noting how they act, talk, move and write down what you remember into a notebook or something. Its a good reference I have and my friends think its neat ^^
2006-04-28 [Ravendust]: oh, I have no problem creating characters at all, I just like write fanfics once in a while too... XD
2006-04-28 [Metal Tsubasa]: *blink,blink* Wow, I totally did not expect people to be so easy going about what I said. I guess that's the difference between here and elftown. Well, I'm glad you both took it so well, thank you for not biting my head off! :)
2006-04-28 [Lady of Lore]: I'm on elftown too but I take my writing seriously and I am glad of your honest and true opinion. I haven't encountered any headbiting on Elftown yet but I guess I'm just lucky. :P Comments, even if you don't like 'em are good feedback to hep better writing. I would hope people would be as equally as honest with my work rather than just playing nice. ^^
2006-04-29 [Metal Tsubasa]: I tend to voice my opion a lot on Elftown, possibly too much
2006-04-29 [Ravendust]: I think I was on elftown... once or twice... it was as confusing as it was here for a while XD and then I got brave and asked for help... (here)
2006-04-29 [Metal Tsubasa]: *lol* I've been on Elftown for... three years now...? I still haven't completly gotten the hang of it.
2006-05-01 [Lady of Lore]: I've been on for almost 4 now I think, can't remember clearly...lol ^_^
2006-05-03 [Lady of Lore]: Yay changed my entry! ^_^ I finally had a bit of time.
2006-05-22 [Chie]: yay it's finished! ^^
2006-05-26 [SleepingDragon]: My apologies for not being around of late. I've had some pc problems and R/L stuff to deal with. Concerning fan fiction, that would be against the site rules laid down by people other than myself. Please see the rules wiki and subsequent wikis about what fan fiction is. This has nothing to do with my own opinion on fan fiction, just the rules of the site. Hopefully this notice gives people ample oportunity to ensure their stories are within the rules of the site as well as the rules of the contest specifically. Sorry for any inconvienience
2006-05-26 [Ravendust]: ^ There's no inconvenience at all. I read through the rules and about fanfictions, my story doesn't clash with it at all thankfully... As I've said mine isn't a fanfiction, and to be honest I only really thought of the relationship similarities after I wrote the story....
2006-05-26 [Lady of Lore]: I checked as well ^_^ thanks for the heads up!
2006-05-27 [Jade Summers]: The 'you can't see me' from my song made me think of this, though it's not very good. No fanfiction in mine! (Because I suck at fanfiction worse than I suck at original)
2006-06-04 [SleepingDragon]: Contest now closed: Thank you to everyone who entered. My apologies for being late with the judging. Graduations in the family and appropriate celebratory activities have taken up much of my time in the past couple of days. Judging should be complete by the end of the week. Thank you for your patience! :D
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