
Post nr: 5373
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (6434 days ago)
Subject: Facebook (Texts: 3 )

Hi. Is anybody in this community on Facebook? I'm just curious as to whether anybody would be around to join a Writersco group there.


Post nr: 5209
Author: dmeredith Posted: (6525 days ago)
Subject: Elf Town Contest (Texts: 1 )

I know most of you are also on Elftown so I thought I'd let everyone know about a contest there about which you might have an interest. There is a fantasy prologue contest under "Writing Contests" in which you are to compose (or submit one you've already done) a fantasy genre novel prologue on a wiki page the link it to the contest page. Pretty standard. There is no word limit so I bet a bunch of you have stuff that would fit the bill already. I think I'm going to submit one as soon as I iron out some details with the contest sponsor. Anyway... I thought you'd want to know. I also think I'll put a similar announcement on the forums in Elftown ("Writing" and possibly also "Literature") to make things easier on folks. I hope some of you throw your hat in the ring!


Post nr: 5150
Author: iippo (The Rater's Guild - Rate writings, kids!) Posted: (6548 days ago)
Subject: I want texts and voices (Texts: 3 )

Right, so I'm doing this art thing for uni:
-It'll be done in Flash, so there'll be some interaction. It'll be one image of a machine that is made up of smaller components. Each of those components is a button, and has an abstract idea attached to it (love, sorrow, faith etc...) The user/viewer selects any two buttons, and a sound will play, which will be somehow related to the combinations of the two abstracts (example: love + self = narcism, sound that plays is the story of Narcissus read out loud by someone). And I want all/most of the sounds to be things read out loud by people.
So if you could, you have the chance to be ever so helpful by either:
-hinting me to texts that could be nifty sound files: your own writings (I will obviously credit all the writers of the texts), passages from books, poetry, song lyrics etc... Must be in English.
-reading a text out loud for me onto a sound file.


Post nr: 4511
Author: ~*Lonely Wanderer*~ Posted: (6695 days ago)
Subject: WC Ezine Help (Texts: 1 )

Hey, I'm a newbie to forums *raises arms and screams don't shoot!!!!*

I'm here to ask that if anyone is at all and remotly interested in helping out with a writersco ezine called the "WC Ezine", than I'd like to know.

I will be running this thing from head to start. If you are interested, send me a message and I will direct you to a form and the most interesting, creative, knowledgable people will be helping me.

This is not a easy going project and I will work hard to make it the best ever!

My requirements are for someone creative, someone who can read the codes for this place, and someone who gets down to business when needed.



Post nr: 4298
Author: iippo (The Rater's Guild - Rate writings, kids!) Posted: (6709 days ago)
Subject: Collaborative people wanted! (Texts: 1 )

Hokae, basically everything is explained in Magnum Opus, so let me be brief here:
I want to make a large interactive Flash program/game/thing, like an encyclopaedia of arty and creative things. Focusing on machinery (either literally or symbolically or anything in between).

If anyone would like to collaborate either with brainstorming or creating anything for this, please contact me (here, in the wiki, via PM, anything).

If you have created anything machine-related material (poetry, stories, novels, any kinds of writing or other arts) and you wouldn't mind me using it, please contact me.

All original author's will obviously get credit for their work, I'm not going to claim it's mine.


Post nr: 3962
Author: keseken (New name: Keseken) Posted: (6750 days ago)
Subject: Unseelie Questions (Texts: 3 )

I'm trying to start out a story on the Unseelie court, and I have found it really hard to find any info on it. Any idea where I could find more? Or does anyone already have that kind of knowlage? Thank you for your help.


Post nr: 2173
Author: PamelaT Posted: (7009 days ago)
Subject: Contest? Here? Maybe? (Texts: 1 )

Hmmm, I will put The Lord of Sands


Post nr: 124
Author: Erestor (New name: -deleted-) Posted: (7116 days ago)
Subject: What? (Texts: 7 )

Whats going to happen here. Is it a general discussion wiki?


Post nr: 69
Author: Sairahiniel (New name: Kieli) (Oh, a peanut! My peanut.) Posted: (7121 days ago)
Subject: Empty forum... (Texts: 4 )

*makes an echo*

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