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Post nr: 5827
Thread: [5817]
Author: Tyr Zalo Hawk (New work, also engaged; who knew?) Posted: (5435 days ago) Previous in thread: 5819 by Zadius
Subject: I'll take "Missing" for $1 Million, Alex

Exactly the point. If you spend $1,000,000 per person, then chances are you'll need something of equal worth to show for it. Yes, I know, I know, "You can't put a value on a human life", but that's not true. Yes, we don't know what the future holds or what these people might do, but that's exactly why spending over $1 mil is presumptuous and, typically, pointless.

No one knows who'll be the next Edison or Einstien, but if they got lost in the woods and we couldn't find them $1 Million later? Why not just wait for the next? How do we tell them apart from the hoarde of people who will accomplish so little that spending $1 Million searching for them would be more than their entire family will make until its dying day? How do you justify the second half?

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