Drabbles for All!
That's right.
Drabbles is our first community-wide contest.
What is a drabble? A tiny prose piece of 100 words. As a part of the challenge, you incorporate a certain theme. This contest's theme is to make a candle very important. Now go enter!
Judging is by Mainpage poll. Prizes include bragging rights, the knowledge that you have won a contest that a lot of people will probably be entering, and awards credits. Prizes are subject to increase retroactively and/or without notice.
Date: 2008-03-23 21:32:53
News #: 17
Reporter: font
Writing Competitions/ Events
Are you planning, or do you know of any writing competitions or events that are happening now, or will be taking place in the near future? Do you think other members of the WritersCo community would enjoy these?
If so, then let us know and we will add some info here. Send [
Font] details of the comp/event dates/prizes/s
ubmission guidelines etc, and we'll get it added.Date: 2007-04-25 21:11:26
News #: 16
Reporter: font
Now that November is finished and the participants of NaNoWriMo have returned to civilization, WritersCo wants to honor them by showing off the fruits of their month-long labor.
NaNoWriMo 2006 we encourage all of this year's participants to place a link to their 'wrimo accomplishment
s. Go have a look!Date: 2006-12-03 20:12:35
News #: 15
Reporter: Mister Saint
Nanowrimo 2006
Hey everyone!
It's November at last, which means that NaNoWriMo has kicked off! Best of luck to those of you crazy enough to participate.
For those who are still wondering what this mysterious thing called Nanowrimo I am referring to is, Nanowrimo (which stands for National Novel Writing Month) is an international contest held every year where brave souls try to write a 50 000 word novel in November.
Check out
Nanowrimo for more information!
Date: 2006-09-22 20:00:17
News #: 14
Reporter: RiverStar