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Nite_Owl  Writings 

Member #143 created: 2005-06-21 18:33:32Simple URL:   

Name: Owlie

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Member Type: Writer

Just your slightly above average poet/writer/philsopher (I hope). I created this account ages ago at a rather inopportune time, right when my old computer crashed; I only recently even remembered this site exists. Hopefully I'll get around to posting up poetry and short fiction (most of which can be found on my Elftown account under the same name, and on my "blog" of sorts listed below) relatively soon.

Anyways, my specialty is poetry. I've been actively writing since I was about twelve years old and have won a few contests here and there since. More recently in the last year or two I've started to try my hand at short fiction, mostly little blurbs of unknown stories that pop into my head that revolve more around characters than around a plot. Last year I took the leap into writing novels as part of NaNoWriMo, which I'm sure is well known here :) That, too, was an extremely inopportune time in my life, and the novel never even reached its half-way mark, but it did set me to start seriously considering pursuing writing and I started to write fiction much more often in preparation for the next attempt at a novel, which will be this November.

I know I'm technically a sort of "newbie" here, but it just seems like a more centralized version of Elftown, of which I'm a Crew Member :) I'm excited to see what I can get out of this place, and what I can find.

But anyways, I'll get more organized soon. Until then, message me if interested about anything and browse my blog at for a preview of some of my writings :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Age: 17Year of birth: 1991Month of birth: 9Day of birth: 4

Gender: female

Place of living: Southern California

Sci-fiSpeculative Fiction/Ideological

NovelsShort storiesPoetry
Essay/Academic ProseFree verseGeneral Prose

Known languages

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