Magazine Listings
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Focuses On Market
- Writer's Digest:
- Poets & Writers:
- Quill And Quire:
The top Canadian magazine for news and opinions on the market in Canada, with a few book reviews as well. Publishes the
Canadian Publishers Directory.
Brick :
Considered one of the top magazines for collecting ideas and thoughts on subject matter from a variety of authors. Pays varying rates for literary articles (doesn't print fiction/poetry material)
Ezines Only
- Advanced Fiction Writing E-Zine : Simply offers advice on writing, techniques, and more.
Publishes Work
Paying, Hardpublished
- Descant:
Publishes many art forms:
poetry... short stories, novel excerpts, plays, essays, interviews, musical scores and visual presentations. This high end magazine has been around for nearly 30 years and publishes for the likes of Margaret Atwood and others. They don't appear to be great lovers of genre work...
- Realms of Fantasy :
Focuses on short stories in dark and high fantasy primarily, made in USA. The rates vary, with usually 3 to 5 cents per word for new writers. They pay by the level.. the more recognized you are (in other publishings or just through RoF) the more they will pay for your per word rates.
- Science Fiction & Fantasy Magazine :
Publishes fantasy/scienc
e fiction on a monthly basis... originally the publisher of Steven King's Dark Tower. Pays 6-9 cents a word.
The Dalhousie Review :
Another tri-annual Canadian magazine, this one publishes both fiction and prose along with articles as well. It seems more interested in things of a historical, philosphical, or socological nature. Pay rates aren't discussed.
ARC: National Poetry Magazine
This magazine accepts poetry only and pays around $40. (Some reviews and articles are accepted too)
Contemporary Verse 2
Another magazine about poetry appreciation, this one strives to dispell the things that some people think about poetry that causes them not to be interested in it, etc. Takes all kinds of poetry, reviews, articles, and more. (varying payrates)
Paying Ezines
-Oceans of The Mind :
Science-fiction magazine focusing on elements such as "space colonization, future crime, spirituality, or the military." The pay rate is generally at 6 cents a word.
-Strange Horizons :
Publishes 'speculative fiction' weekly, term used to cover science fiction, fantasy, "slipstream," etc. The pay rates vary, 5 cents a word for standard fiction, $20 set rate for poetry, articles at 2 cents a word, and long reviews at $20 dollars (short reviews do not recieve pay).
Absinthe :
Interested in things other then mainstream fiction. More into sex, disease, modern culture clashing, and other more *unique* stuff. The pay rates vary slightly.
Non-Paying, Hardpublished
-Nemonymous :
(Publishes all work anonymously to get rid of preconcieved ideas, bias, fans etc, and focus attention only on the quality of work. Names are anounced in the following issue, 5 issues published so far.)
-The Third Alternative :
British magazine, publishes on science fiction, fantasy, horror and slipstream.
-Interzone :
Associated and published by the same people as The Third Alternative. Fantasy and science-fiction, publishes mainly sci-fi.
Non-Paying Ezines
Astounding Tales :
E-zine that publishes in non-fiction, fiction, and more. Though it currently does not pay, it rewards its "Editor Choice" picks with a little $10 inccentive.
Ultraverse E-Zine :
E-zine that publishes in fantasy and sci-fi. Currently there is no payment recieved.

Focuses On Market AND Publishes Work
Paying, Hardpublished
- ByLine Magazine :
Publishes fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and children's. Also features articles on writing and more! Pays rather well, depending on the type of writing and its size.
- Blood & Aphorisms
Publishes fiction of all sorts with an aim of publishing works by new writers of all age groups, sounds like an interesting one and is based out of Canada.
Prices for submitted writing aren't specified.
Capilano Review
The Capilano Review is a tri-annual visual and literary arts magazine that publishes fiction, poetry, and visual art. Another Canadian based magazine, this one paying between $50 and $200.
Antigonish Review :
Pay rates vary, publishes work of emerging and established writers in fiction, poetry, prose, and more.
Paying Ezines
none currently listed
Non-Paying, Hardpublished
none currently listed
Non-Paying, Ezines
-NovelAdvice :
Both a newsletter/E-Zine and a community in itself, offering advise and critques to writers.
-Apollos Lyre :
Writing e-zine welcoming submissions from new and experienced writers. Submit articles dealing with the business of writing, tips and techniques, actual fiction, books reviews, and actual poetry.

Lists Of Magazines
A list of every Genuine Canadian (Literary) Magazine, Magazines Canada

These need to be recategorized!
Poetry Review (I found it on the back of a novel as one of the editor's claims to fame, and am currently exploring to see its stats, character and mission.)

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