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Affiliated with: Artsieladie, [Galadriel]

"Truth is my weapon of choice; I will seek it and I will speak it."

~ Quote by Artsieladie

Please note: Any stray text and/or links added to the bottom of this wiki-page after the [#] was
done so by something or someone other than myself! The same thing is happening in my house.

Total Number of Quotes: 97 - 2013-07-03

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Greetings, everyone!

On this wiki-page quotes that I, Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, aka [Galadriel], have written, are being displayed.

Anyone is free to share them "unaltered", with one stipulation, and this is, each of my quotes also must include my name:
Artsieladie and/or Sharon Donnelly" "accompanied with it", so the credit of writing the quote remains with its author, yours truly.
Thank you! :) ♥

In regards to any and ALL of my creative works, including written works, please also see: Public-Notice_By-Artsieladie.

When contacting me by email:
Text ONLY emails! NO attachments! NO hyper-links or urls of questionable origin. Non-compliance means deletion!

Thank you!

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"Quotes By Artsieladie" - 54

<img:> 01 ~ “An 'attitude of gratitude' is essential to 'know' happiness and then 'feel' it.”

<img:> 02 ~ “A fool who looks in the mirror will never see a fool.”

<img:> 03 ~ “A friend who supports you in private, but denies you before others, is NOT a friend.”

<img:> 04 ~ “Agreement is not paramount for understanding to take place.”

<img:> 05 ~ “An idea held prisoner in the shadow of silence can never shine in the light of day.”

<img:> 06 ~ “A person without values and principles for which they stand by, is a person without merit.”

<img:> 07 ~ “Be careful who you trust, but beware of who you trust, "trusts"!”

<img:> 08 ~ “Children: Today's wonder; tomorrow's promise.”

<img:> 09 ~ “Concentrate on ‘beautifying yourself within’ and your outer self will reflect the same.”

<img:> 10 ~ “Credit earned is credit due.”

<img:> 11 ~ “Dreams can hold the key to the true desire of one's heart.”

<img:> 12 ~ “Emulation is flattery at its finest.”

<img:> 13 ~ “Fear failure and you deny success.”

<img:> 14 ~ “Forgiveness is the best foundation on which to begin healing of the heart, mind, and spirit.”

<img:> 15 ~ “Inflation of humility maintains deflation of ego.”

<img:> 16 ~ “Jealousy, a wasted energy, when used, validates the insecurity and immaturity... of its user.”

<img:> 17 ~ “Know your limitations to ‘delimit’ yourself.”

<img:> 18 ~ “Knowledge is power, but only when it is applied does it become ‘power-full’.”

<img:> 19 ~ “May the love of God always touch and live within your heart.”

<img:> 20 ~ “Money can be made and lost, but a shattered heart's a most expensive cost.”

<img:> 21 ~ “Never put trust in foxes appointed guardianship of the hen house.”

<img:> 22 ~ “One can only be hurt as deep as they love and care.”

<img:> 23 ~ “One prepared for the worst possible scenario, is therefore prepared for anything.”

<img:> 24 ~ “One's eyes can be attracted to another, but only another's heart can impress!”

<img:> 25 ~ “Polish your inner self and you'll shine brighter than a diamond.”

<img:> 26 ~ “Revenge in thy soul is blind. It therefore distinguishes not the difference between the guilty and the innocent.”

<img:> 27 ~ “Self perceived infallibility is the prerequisite of fallibility.”

<img:> 28 ~ “Show others the light, your light, so they may see to follow, perhaps out of their own trapping of darkness.”

<img:> 29 ~ “Strong and confident people, inadvertently intimidate weak and insecure people.”

<img:> 30 ~ “Success achieved at the expense of others, is not true success.”

<img:> 31 ~ “Suppression of evidence is admittance of guilt.”

<img:> 32 ~ “Talk is cheap; actions require investment.”

<img:> 33 ~ “The best teacher in life... IS life.”

<img:> 34 ~ “The cost of the truth can be high, but the cost of lies can be insurmountable.”

<img:> 35 ~ “The more one has that money cannot buy, the richer one is.”

<img:> 36 ~ “The simplest gestures borne of the heart, reap the greatest rewards.”

<img:> 37 ~ “The true worth of a person is measured by the size of their heart, not the size of their wallet.”

<img:> 38 ~ “Truth is my weapon of choice; I will seek it and I will speak it.”

<img:> 39 ~ “Truth sets us free; lies hold us prisoner.”

<img:> 40 ~ “Undermining the earned integrity of another... verifies the offender’s lack thereof.”

<img:> 41 ~ “Unspoken words of today can become regrets of tomorrow.”

<img:> 42 ~ “Values and principles must be followed through on BEFORE one can "validate" them within themselves!”

<img:> 43 ~ “Walk through life with an eraser handy for there'll be mistakes made along the way.”

<img:> 44 ~ “Welcome your tomorrows, by loving living to the fullest... today.”

<img:> 45 ~ “We live in a society where justification is widely accepted, while accountability is widely rejected.”

<img:> 46 ~ “We seek answers only to find more questions.”

<img:> 47 ~ “When it comes to kindness, caring, hope, and love, there is no distance between... hearts and souls connected.”

<img:> 48 ~ “When justification is sought for an action, its morality becomes questionable.”

<img:> 49 ~ “When one's ego supersedes one's intelligence, erosion of one's intelligence results.”

<img:> 50 ~ “When we follow our passions, we discover our gifts.”

<img:> 51 ~ “Winners accept and deal with the truth; losers accept and work with the lies.”

<img:> 52 ~ “Winners are willing to go the extra mile; losers take the short cuts.”

<img:> 53 ~ “Words are just words, unless they are backed up by 'supporting' actions.”

<img:> 54 ~ “Words are the spectrum of colours, a writer paints with.”

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"Longer Quotes By Artsieladie" - 11

<img:> 01 ~ “'Achieved' success is only success by and through the assistance of others, no matter how insignificant it may seem,
             AND a willingness to also help others along the way. 'Continued' success is maintained only by and through the con-
             tinued acknowledgment and gratitude towards those who have assisted you with your achievements, culminating
             into your success.”

<img:> 02 ~ “Beware of the person who tells you what you want to hear; a true friend will tell you the truth, not perhaps, what you
             want to hear, but what you should hear.”

<img:> 03 ~ “Boxes are wonderful to contain things, except for our thinking. Allow your thoughts freedom! Think 'outside' the box!”

<img:> 04 ~ “By every good man's side is a good woman, for a good woman walks with her man, neither behind him in his shadow
             nor ahead of him to shadow him.”

<img:> 05 ~ “It's easy to love those who are easy to love, but the true test of love is loving those who are more difficult to love.”

<img:> 06 ~ “It's much easier to hate those who transgress against us and therefore, is often the route chosen. But forgiving our
             transgressors is where the real challenge lies”

<img:> 07 ~ “Mistakes are important tools of life, which we learn from, therefore live life. Without them we would be doomed to the
             monotony of perfection.”

<img:> 08 ~ “Our own growth in strength and value of character is perpetuated by the enrichment of those we surround ourselves with.”

<img:> 09 ~ “People who place themselves on pedestals are very lonely people, since few are interested in competing with 'flawlessness'.”

<img:> 10 ~ “Seek not the approval of others; seek the approval of oneself. Be your own toughest, honest, but fair critic and the
             criticism of others shall be null and void.”

<img:> 11 ~ “The more bad apples you encounter and place behind you, the closer you become to finding the 'good' apple for keeps.”

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"Poetic Quotes By Artsieladie" - 07

<img:> 01 ~ “Be careful on who you shut the door;
             It may be the Love you're searching for!”

<img:> 02 ~ “Caring costs little,
             Forgiveness slightly more.
             Hugs are always free.
             Love is the total score!”

<img:> 03 ~ “Emptiness:
             You can be in a crowd, can party till dawn,
             Can be busy with life, but when all is drawn;
             Without someone to share with, to hug and to hold,
             Leaves one inside... empty and cold.”

<img:> 04 ~ “Fear not to shine your light,
             Amidst the darkest places;
             For your light may be the hope,
             Needed by lost faces!”

<img:> 05 ~ “Tame your anger,
             Shine your light;
             Set free your dreams,
             Your passions ignite!”

<img:> 06 ~ “The measure of a man is not in his physical strength,
             Tough exterior, or financial successes,
             But in his gentleness of spirit, kindness of heart,
             And compassionate soul, he possesses.”

<img:> 07 ~ “When, to the face of another, I bring a smile,
             It makes 'our' day, so worthwhile!”

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"Newest Quotes By Artsieladie" - 25

<img:> 01 ~ “A continued transgression kept in the present, cannot be placed in the past nor therefore, forgiven.”

<img:> 02 ~ “Allow those who are filled with jealousy and hatred to reflect in themselves, this, they elect to indulge
             in, by not allowing the same to be reflected in and owned by yourself.”

<img:> 03 ~ “Be easy to get and you'll be easy to 'forget'.”

<img:> 04 ~ “Being silent about something that's being done wrong, makes the silent party an "enabler" to/of/for the

<img:> 05 ~ “Dare to dream, then DARE to LIVE your dreams!”

<img:> 06 ~ “Display ALL you have, there'll be nothing of mystery left to explore.”

<img:> 07 ~ “Fear will hold us captive, denying us the freedom to attain what we desire in our heart.”

<img:> 08 ~ “Hatred begets hatred; love begets love, but only love can dissolve hatred.”

<img:> 09 ~ “It is through our greatest pain, we discover our greatest strength.”

<img:> 10 ~ “Joy in the hearts of others, brings joy to one's own.”

<img:> 11 ~ “Nurture an 'attitude of gratitude' and your garden of happiness will bloom brightly.”

<img:> 12 ~ “Patronizing, placating, circumventing... are all 'stonewall' tactics applied and used to cover up the truth.”

<img:> 13 ~ “Recipe for happiness: Minimise expectations, maximise gratitude.”

<img:> 14 ~ “Stupidity and ignorance are buddies with fear.”

<img:> 15 ~ “The closer one gets to the truth, the more uncomfortable and defensive liars become.”

<img:> 16 ~ “The most beautiful things in life are not seen through the eyes, but are seen and felt through, with, and
             in the heart.”

<img:> 17 ~ “The most painful to endure, is the "pain within".”

<img:> 18 ~ “The presence of love maintains the absence of hatred; the absence of love allows the presence of hatred.”

<img:> 19 ~ “There's a time and place for everything, but.. not everything belongs in every place and time.”

<img:> 20 ~ “The true value about money, is learning, thus knowing, that money has no REAL value at all!”

<img:> 21 ~ “We are responsible for what we say and do, not what is 'assumed' by others, we say and do.”

<img:> 22 ~ “When one closes the door on 'fitting in', one then opens the door to 'extraordinary'.”

<img:> 23 ~ “When one invests in the happiness of others, they 'double their investment'.”

<img:> 24 ~ “When others resent within you, your light, then you KNOW you are doing something right!”

<img:> 25 ~ “When we listen to others who do not have our best interests at heart, we allow them to feed our fears,
             thus preventing us from reaching our full and true potential.”

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All quotes and graphics on this page are copyrighted to Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, [Galadriel]. All rights reserved.

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May God Bless You and Have a Great Day!

May the love of God always touch and live within your heart!

<i>By Artsieladie

All creativity on this page is copyrighted to Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, aka [Galadriel], unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved.


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