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Writersco, a community for authors

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Welcome to the old Writersco

As the new community that overtook the address www.writersco.com (That this community had before) died out, this original Writersco is starting to come alive again. Look at the last posts in the forums and maybe message [hedda] if you want to help.

More news

NaNoWriMo is back again!

NaNoWriMo is back. If you are not participating you should be! To get officially registered head over to nanowrimo.org and then head over to NaNoWriMo Support and track yourself against your fellow writers!

Date: 2012-11-01 12:33:46
News #: 77
Reporter: Ash

'Tis the Season

From all the staff at Writersco we wish you a happy holiday and a very happy new year!

Date: 2011-12-15 03:05:06
News #: 76
Reporter: Ash

NaNoWriMo is almost here!

Alright everyone, NaNo is almost here! If you are participating don't forget to join NaNoWriMo Support where you can keep tabs on everyone else participating, chat, log your success and failures and generally be counted in for the month of November.

Also, November is the 30 Characters Challenge (also called 30 characters 30 days). registration is still on going if you can take five minutes of each day to participate. (www.30characters.com) This will have the new support page 30C in 30D Support. Please feel free to join, if you finish your NaNo early, coming up with 30 new characters is a breeze.

Date: 2011-10-28 12:53:16
News #: 75
Reporter: Ash

Fan-Fiction has come to WritersCo

As you all will remember, Fan-Fiction was banned all together when Writersco opened. This has changed and fan-fic authors may now post their writings on the wikis and link it to the official Writersco Fan-Fiction Database.

Remember to follow ALL rules of Writersco and on the page, any writing that does not follow these rules will be removed. Owners are responsible for making sure that the Fan-Fictions abide by the originator's wishes.

Date: 2011-10-09 01:25:02
News #: 74
Reporter: Ash
More tech news

WC Chat

Hi everyone! Have you ever wanted to just chat with your fellow WC writers or get to know the community? We actually have two chat options!

1. You can have comment-style chats by following the "Chat" link on the top right side of WC.

2. You can join us at the embedded IRC chat on the wiki page Writersco Chat. Somebody is usually around. :) Hope to see you there too!


Date: 2011-08-11 14:27:31
News #: 26
Reporter: Annie

Is Anyone Still Here...?

Hi, just wanted to drop a quick note to the (possibly imaginary) inhabitants of WritersCo:

As the previous crew have removed themselves to a private site with the intention of restarting WritersCo there, their current privs have been removed from this site.

Hedda has given me siteboss privileges, and I intend to allow this site to go on as before. That said, 'before' seems to have killed the place, so if any active members have any suggestions, requests, ideas or events they wish to host here, go right ahead and send me a message, and I'll see what we can do to make it happen.

Thanks :)


Date: 2010-03-31 23:56:21
News #: 25
Reporter: Kaimee


This site will now be accessible from


As [Font] has changed so that www.writersco.com points to another site, all the links to your writings and other stuff here are now broken. You can thank him for that if you want.

If anyone of you in charge want to keep using the site, it's OK with me. It isn't going to go away, but I'll not invest any time in it.


Date: 2009-07-01 10:31:45
News #: 24
Reporter: Hedda


Hosting has been purchased.
Domain will be transfered within a few days.

Looking into a new community format (Probably Joomla) - it may take a further few days to get it set up and organised. I can only stress at this point how important it is to save or delete any work you have on WritersCo. 

We will need volunteers to help out on the new site - so again please be thinking about what we need and what we can do.

Date: 2009-06-28 08:18:38
News #: 23
Reporter: Font
More writing news

Writing Activities

Just a reminder of the great contests and activities we have currently going at WritersCo:

Famous First Lines
Five Words
March Mad-Dash Challenge!
Novel Writing Workshop
Verbal Combat

If you know of others or started something new and want everyone to know, tell someone on the Staff! We'll get the word out. :)

Date: 2011-03-04 17:20:59
News #: 23
Reporter: Annie

Five Words Winner!

It's [WordFlower] for her splendid piece: 689.FiveWords.April-May! Go you!

And now it's time to vote for your favourite Featured Writing of years gone by.

Note: Some of the Featured Writings are for mature audiences, so I am looking for mature voters.

Date: 2008-07-11 02:17:59
News #: 22
Reporter: Kiddalee

Five Words Poll!

It's on the left. Thanks, entrants!

Date: 2008-06-11 00:40:24
News #: 21
Reporter: Kiddalee

And The Community Drabbles Winner Is...

... [pirate witch], with her drabble, 524.Contest Entries.March Drabble. Congratulations to all participants!

Now go enter Five Words if you haven't.

Date: 2008-05-09 01:42:06
News #: 20
Reporter: Kiddalee
More features


By: Myself
Genre/Style: Reading!

It's the first ever Featured Writing selection. Out of ten of the Featured Writings whose authors have been seen recently, you choose the best.
  Warning: Some of the pieces below are not family friendly, and are meant for mature readers, so I am looking for mature voters this time around.

  The contenders are:

[iippo] - 207.Human-People.Everyday Lies
[Po] - 80.Unconditional
[Kiddalee] - 225.Writing Exercises.Sleep Deprivation.The Hat
[mousepoet] - 243.mousey's Poetry.Wounded Pride
[Kaimee] - 5.contest entries.staying lost
[Mister Saint] - 79.Mature.Evening
[Straygeek] - 656.Tk
[Eleanor] - 668.Prose.My neighbours, the Zwierszowskis
[mousepoet] - 243.If I were a sock
[Phoxx] - 30.Poetry.Regenlied or Rainsong

A poll is on the left side of the page. See you there!

More about the featured writing
Date: 2008-07-11 02:14:43 Featured writing #: 28 Mod: Kiddalee


By: [shadoublood]
Genre/Style: Rhyming Poetry
Mod's Comment:
Gothic fatalism communicated in nonstop imagery.

Roses black darken the skies with red tears
Blood splashes upon the ashes of life
Rusted shears cut the longest line of fear
Hearts bleed from the wound given by the knife
Reapers feast upon the last battle
She with the dark wings returns to the dust
Throats will dry at the end of the rattle
The Buildings of life have begun to rust
The Angels weep at their fruitless labor
For death has claimed what they have bled for
The slaves taste the dead bodies sweet flavor
Those above begin to make molds for more
Dust begins to stir violently anew
For they will again take life from you.

Rate it at 744.Death
Also see Featured Wriitngs and Nominated Writings.

More about the featured writing
Date: 2008-06-11 02:49:11 Featured writing #: 27 Mod: Kiddalee

Ginsbergism 2008

By: [Mister Saint]
Genre/Style: Free Verse Prose Poem

Mod's Comment:

This is a social statement including what many people feel but what doesn't get
 said except on the internet because materialistic old goons who think
 they've seen enough people to write about but really only see
 their own crowd are dominating the media,

And it's written Ginsberg style, which looks rambly, but one soon finds it
 is easy to read and refreshingly offensive, not the offensive of thirteen-
 year-olds trying to sound cool by being racist on gaming servers or
 college students not growing out of swearing, but offensive the way that
 people need it nowadays because everybody's yelling so loud that the only
 person who's audible is the person who yells the loudest:

.... in
    pot smoke and fire water we choked
    out what might have been brilliance,
    where in the deepest blackest liquid oil
    jungles we cracked our children's teeth
    on bullets bombs and blood....

I know what I'm talking about, you know. I'm twenty-one years old.

Read it at 79.Poetry.Ginsbergism 2008

Go add to Nominated Writings
To Featured Writings

More about the featured writing
Date: 2008-05-11 03:41:49 Featured writing #: 26 Mod: Kiddalee

The Stars are Falling

By: [Eleanor]
Style: Free Verse Poetry

Mod's Comment:

[Eleanor] combines a graceful word choice with both poetic and concrete imagery, to convey the gentleness of snow's ride down the sky and of its settling on the Earthly things below.

Check it out at: 668.Poetry.The Stars are Falling

NOTE: There is a new nomination procedure outlined in Nominated Writings.
To Featured Writings

More about the featured writing
Date: 2008-04-11 02:00:56 Featured writing #: 25 Mod: Kiddalee
Number of Writersco members: 828
Number of active members: 1
Statistics about online members

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