Page name: Revive WritersCo [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-02-27 12:12:46
Last author: djxmonster
Owner: Stephen
# of watchers: 14
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Hey there!
This page is something like a petition, perhaps. It's where people who are honestly interested in getting WritersCo back up and running can sign their name. This page is mostly to show Hedda that there are indeed still people here, and there's people elsewhere who want to see this site restored. While we may not be 1,000 people strong, we are a group of writers, and we want our writing haven to come back from the dust. Hopefully, if this gets large enough, he'll be willing to appoint some new Staff and allow us to work on our own, at the least, to make WritersCo the site it was meant to be!

(Note: This page can be edited by anyone, and commented on by anyone so that even people who are not on this site as a current member can show interest.)

(Note 2: If you're not a member and want an invitation, [Stephen] or [Veltzeh] can send you invite links.)

Sign below the line!

1) [Stephen]
2) [Veltzeh]
3) [Delladreing]
4) [Calliope]
5) [Eleanor]
6) [Bookwyrm] <--Applied to be member
7) [Alexi Ice]
8) [AuroraLumos]
9) [Slytherin Seeker]
10) [Mortified Penguin]
11) [Yudan Enzeru333] <--Applying shortly
12) [Kyrinn] (Elftown Member)
13) [Sicarius] <----Also Applying Shortly ^^
14) [Product of a Primal Urge]
15) [sammie h!] - Anything you can throw at me
16) [djxmonster]- Late to the party

Username (or number or email):


2011-08-05 [Stephen]: Yay. =D

2011-08-05 [Stephen]: 10 and counting, and one day into this. Awesome, awesome.

2011-08-05 [Yudan Enzeru333]: wooo hoooo!

2011-08-07 Bookwyrm: :D Of course I applied. I didn't know if this site still existed. I'm glad it does.

2011-08-08 [Stephen]: Yes, yes it does. It's just hidden away under a weird url. :3
I'm not sure if the application system is working correctly, though. o_x

2011-08-26 Macco: Yo, good lokion out! Gonna make it work now.

2011-08-27 Destrey: No question this is the place to get this info, tanhks y'all.

2011-08-28 [Stephen]: :)

Note to anyone who's wondering: I'm not gone, I'm just busy right now so I can't put tons of time here.

2011-09-19 [Product of a Primal Urge]: 14 and counting!

2011-09-21 [Product of a Primal Urge]: So, I think the biggest part of reviving this place would be that those who signed this try to make an effort to get on every week, post something every month. Set up wikis to share work (go back to old wikis!). That basic kind of thing. I'm working on spreading the word about this place :D I like this so far and I've only been here...a week. I've come across some great writing help wikis.

2011-09-21 [Veltzeh]: Those sound like good ideas. I'm here every day and hope that I can make something every month.

2011-09-21 [Product of a Primal Urge]: I try to be on every day but people on this list have been off of here more than a week. More than a month in a few cases. We have to get people on here more often.

Also, I'm working on a wiki I'm hoping will get people more involved and writing a little bit every day. I'll post a link to it here when it's set up a little more.

2011-09-22 [Eleanor]: I am logging in every day, but I have been busy with a project that's kept me from doing any actual writing. Sorry about that.

2011-09-22 [Calliope]: I try to log on everyday but I've gotten sucked into getting settled back into home and finding a job and etc. etc. etc xD Hopefully by the end of the month things will be more regular.

2011-09-22 [Product of a Primal Urge]: Oh, I just joined up, I don't mean to sound judgmental! Just, you know, throwing out some help. Well, hopefully it's helpful :D I know how being busy can be. I can get writing posted quite often because it lines up with my major. I'm doing a lot of creative writing already since I'm taking classes in it.

By the way, good luck with the job [Calliope], and the project [Eleanor]!

2011-09-22 [Product of a Primal Urge]: Also, if anyone is interested: ACTION WRITING.
It's a place I'm hoping to get started for more help with writing, sharing work, etc. I've run across a lot of dead wikis for things like this and I thought I'd make a new one since I plan on being active :D

2011-12-06 [Stephen]: Hm, it makes me a little sad that most people who signed this aren't actually active. But, it at least means they're interested which is good. ;)

2011-12-07 [Eleanor]: What is the purpose of Writersco? What do its members hope to get out of it? Why do they join? There are lots of internet sites which aim to inspire would-be authors in various ways, and I think Writersco's contests are part of that, but they don't go far enough. How can we do that? This is what we should be brainstorming about. How serious as wannabe authors are we?

2011-12-21 Paul J. Doyle, ex-member (by choice): Please, no more needless contest-fee scams or deletion of images owned by the user that offend merely because they are inlined from Elftown. Also, please tone down this rule:

"(4.)(d.) To voice any detrimental or negative comments about WritersCo, other Heddate Communities, their crew or their members on any form of public medium at WritersCo. These mediums include forums, presentations, wiki pages (content section or comment section), or public diary entries."

Let's face it. This place messed up terribly with that anthology scam. Criticism and bad-mouthing was certainly justified, in this case! This rule implies that ANY dissent, civil or not, is not permitted. On a site that ostensibly caters to writers (who tend to be a fairly opinionated lot, who generally resent censorship!) this is a repulsive rule. It also insinuates there is no accountability for Writersco mistakes, since criticism of any kind (as hinted by this rule) is not permitted.

This is not lingering butthurt. I wouldn't have thought twice about this website until a longtime ET friend told me she was thinking about joining this site. Because of what I experienced (the deletion of my own inoffensive "Telkar Chronicles" novel sequence related imagery that was created by me, followed by the implementation of this very stupid rule I speak of) I advised her not to join this site until things really do change. If you unreasonably punish the very people you seek for this website, this website will continue to fail.

Please do not invite me back to this place until these rules are changed. If people are flagrantly breaking ET-style rules, or if they clearly do not belong here, punish them and punish them hard, banning as needed. But please be reasonable! If you do rework this Terms and Conditions, let me know so I might reconsider joining, after all. Thanks.

2013-01-03 Hedija: First off I would like to say terrific blog! I had a quick qutoiesn in which I'd like to ask if you do not mind. I was interested to find out how you center yourself and clear your thoughts before writing. I have had a hard time clearing my mind in getting my ideas out there. I truly do take pleasure in writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes tend to be lost simply just trying to figure out how to begin. Any suggestions or tips? Cheers!

2013-01-18 [Eleanor]: Sometimes you have to put your pen or pencil down on blank paper and just let whatever comes out of it come out. Just scribble nonsense. It will eventually start to make sense. And then go from there.

Your name: Write IR here:

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