My Story and I

Post nr: 5804
Author: Tyr Zalo Hawk (New work, also engaged; who knew?) Posted: (5441 days ago)
Subject: Recreational Music (Texts: 1 )

Now, before I begin, I'd just like to say that I love music. I really do. It's probably my second or third favorite thing in the entire world. So, out of this love for music, I was just wondering...

Anyone else not understand what the heck is up with kids these days? Listening to their loud, screaming music or (c)rap and trying to convince us, the older, wiser folks that it counts as pleasing to the eardrums?

I don't know what's worse, the fact that my younger brother and best friend listen to it... or that they make me listen to it too.

What say we return to the good old days...? You know, when people could sing.


Post nr: 5370
Author: iippo (The Rater's Guild - Rate writings, kids!) Posted: (6299 days ago)
Subject: Metered poetry (Texts: 2 )

Knowing there's a wiki like Unlazy Poets (which I will enter at a point, I promise >>), I wanted to start a discussion on poetry that follows a form or meter.

What do you think about it? Old-fashioned? Fun to try? Too limiting? Excellent when done well?


Post nr: 4697
Author: pheonix1984 Posted: (6527 days ago)
Subject: huh? (Texts: 4 )

what's up everybody? I'm one the new faces here and just wanted to stop in and say hello. I have to admit that these forums are very confusing. I've never seen this format before. Anyways, I only have one poem up right now, but that will change once word finishes downloading... did I say download? I mean, uh, umm... yes... new topic, I am 22 living in the country (insert pity here) I'd prefer the city, but this is cheaper. So, you can expect some more stuff from me soon, and I'm looking forward to reading some other peoples works as well, and I will comment.


Post nr: 4524
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (6548 days ago)
Subject: Huge Rural Families (Texts: 1 )

  I'll tell you something about my family:

  My mom grew up in Prince Edward Island, which is very small for a province, but I guess it gets that status for being an island. She was the 13th of 15 kids, and the wussy member of the family.
  I'll tell you what everyone else in the family did.
  They climbed up to the top of thin trees, and swung on them, for fun. If they got them going well enough, they could swing over and grab the next tree.

  That is so cool!
  I wish I wasn't such a wuss. I'd do that.


Post nr: 4290
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (6566 days ago)
Subject: Wordy Rant About A "Public" Library (Texts: 1 )

  Since some time ago, the "public" libary has started charging exhorbitant membership fees to anyone who lived outside of Orangeville (but had nowhere else to go because this is the sticks) so the town could pay for some idiotic cosmetic fountain garden thing in the middle of Broadway which they aren't finishing, which will lower the safety of that street (sitting on a bench in a garden in the middle of Broadway...), make it harder for fire engines to stretch out and saturate the very old (probably with dangerous electrical wiring) buildings there, and leech the town's utilities to keep the fountain running and the gardens watered; and a brand new arena with pools, rinks, another branch of the library, and conference rooms; and Orangeville's housing costs are the highest or so in the country despite it being a Town of under 30 000 since they last counted; and this fee was put into place because the townships wouldn't pay Orangeville's new higher costs to let rural citizens use their library just so Orangeville could try to pay for a bunch of things it doesn't need yet and can't afford (it is supposed to be impossible for municipalities in Ontario to go into debt, but Orangeville did anyways); the fee is $150 a year, no exemption or discount for students.
  I'm sorry, folks, for giving you all yet another reason to lower your faith in humanity.


Post nr: 4200
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (6573 days ago)
Subject: Painful Cleanup Job (Texts: 3 )

  I've got a story that is based on my life, but I crowded out my heart and embellished it with all kinds of literary devices because I wrote it for school. It caused me not to like the piece, but I do still like the actual story. So now I have to go over it and pick out the parts that are actually in my heart, and purify it of the parts that I only used to make myself sound like an elitist literary author. It will be a somewhat painful challenge. My incentive is the This Is Life Writing Contest, so it looks like Writersco is benefiting me. YaY! Thanks.


Post nr: 2858
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (6722 days ago)
Subject: Writing For A Career? (Texts: 3 )

  So, how many people here are interested in writing as a career? Part time, perhaps? I'm just curious.
  Me, I'm considering it, but I'm not sure if it's worth it (a sign that I'll do without). So how about you? You can also answer <poll:34>


Post nr: 2678
Author: PamelaT Posted: (6746 days ago)
Subject: What dreams may come... (Texts: 30 )

I find myself to be most inspired by dreams. I have written 3 full novels (converted to screenplays), 3 fanfictions, and a series of children's books. With the exception of my Xander the Brave series for children, all of my works were inspired by dreams and a couple of nightmares here and there. 

Also, when I am writing heavily I don't like to read anything else. Right now I have a copy of Jordan's book 11 on my desk that I refuse to open until I get the final chapter of my last screenplay revised. I am terrified of inadvertanly stealing someone else's ideas....

I am rambling..just curious to know where everyone else get their inspiration.


Post nr: 2436
Author: Shining light Posted: (6829 days ago)
Subject: Great Info site! (Texts: 1 ) has some wonderful, in-depth articles on getting published, writing, revising, finding agents, editors, and publishers, and a whole lot more.


Post nr: 1386
Author: Moorn (New name: Mister Saint) Posted: (6913 days ago)
Subject: Getting Rolling... (Texts: 8 )

Hiya all. Here we go.

I tend to write stories based not on the things I know personally (as I lead a very uneventful life in Southern Kentucky, U.S.A., land of all that is redneck), but upon the things that I wish I could see. This is why my works tend to be fantasy as opposed to sci-fi, due to my belief that science is but another passing religion. I like to think that romanticizing notions (like swordfights, knights, samurai, and gunfighters) is not such a bad thing, and that reflects on my work.

I really hope that's the kind of post this forum is looking for.


Post nr: 186
Author: Shining light Posted: (6964 days ago)
Subject: Hiya, Hiya, Hiya! (Texts: 1 )

Hi, everybody! I was invited here by Kaimee because I'm a writer! I'm planning to have a series of novels published, much like Emily Rodda, Anne McCaffery or K.A. Applegate. or even... dare I say it... Ms. Rowling herself, the current market's queen. *bows down*
Yeah...even though I ramble alot, usually my stories are good....


Post nr: 127
Author: Erestor (New name: -deleted-) Posted: (6970 days ago)
Subject: Hello (Texts: 3 )

Just trying to get things started ...

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