Writersco Help

Post nr: 5889
Author: Annie Posted: (5042 days ago)
Subject: Sorting Writings (Texts: 3 )

Anybody have any knowledge of how to sort your writings? Any given list in my writings is sorted from oldest to newest, and I'd actually prefer it to be the opposite. I know there is a "Sort" button, but how does one use this exactly...?



Post nr: 5762
Author: ArchangelGabriel Posted: (5855 days ago)
Subject: Templates (Texts: 2 )

I tried setting up a template for my writings pages as you would for a wiki, can't seem to get it to work. Am i being dim or can it not be done?


Post nr: 5733
Author: ShadowFox89 Posted: (5965 days ago)
Subject: How to post stories (Texts: 2 )

Hey, I was wondering how you're supposed to post stories on here. Do you just do it in the blog?


Post nr: 5397
Author: xXxbubblesxXx (New name: bloody kisses) (Hold on Beautiful - I feel a Tragedy) Posted: (6383 days ago)
Subject: Writings (Texts: 3 )

for the writings, what format must it be? like wordpad or such? cuz im confused, and i need stuff up lol...


Post nr: 5310
Author: An Elven Song Posted: (6473 days ago)
Subject: My "deleted" picture is still there!!!! (Texts: 4 )

I love my cat and all, but I don't want a picture on my page anymore. I clicked the delete button, and I thought it would work, but now when I go to my page, I still see my silly kitty smiling at me! Blast, the darned "delete" button has vanished!!!! Can I get assistance?


Post nr: 5286
Author: iippo (The Rater's Guild - Rate writings, kids!) Posted: (6487 days ago)
Subject: How did she make a name for the window? (Texts: 2 )

When I view the page 5.Contest Entries.The RiddleRose, my Internet Explorer window reads the name of the writing, not "Wri:" as it usually does everywhere in WC. How does one make that happen?


Post nr: 5163
Author: Kachi Posted: (6536 days ago)
Subject: Password Change (Texts: 4 )

Despite the fact I've merrily been using my password since I signed up, when I changed my presentation today I got told that my password was 'too common' (which in itself is a little concerning, since I don't think it is) and the system made me change it.

Which has made me an unhappy bunny as I now probably won't be able to remember the damn thing. :P And we know writing down passwords and leaving them by your PC is a Bad Thing Indeed.

When was this system implemented, and why? Surely if someone managed to guess my rather obscure password, then that's my fault and mine alone?


Post nr: 5126
Author: Nell Posted: (6552 days ago)
Subject: Spacing, or lack thereof (Texts: 7 )

I'm having a problem. When I write the poem in here, the first and second stanza keep mushing together (WritersCo doesn't seem to be recognizing the first 'enter' or space I put in). It happened with my the other poems I put up (today) as well. What's up?

(Also posted this in Help, but wasn't sure about the traffic level of that page>)


Post nr: 4851
Author: ~Love's Nightmere~ (New name: bloody kisses) (Hold on Beautiful - I feel a Tragedy) Posted: (6640 days ago)
Subject: Wiki links (Texts: 6 )

how can you post links to your wiki's in your description?

ive done it on Elftown...but i forgot how to...hehe...


Post nr: 4800
Author: iippo (The Rater's Guild - Rate writings, kids!) Posted: (6647 days ago)
Subject: Ads on the wiki (Texts: 5 )

I've noticed there are now ads on the wiki-pages. Does it help WC if I click on them, or does it help that they're just there?


Post nr: 4103
Author: Jabbress (Plese join The Last Battel Please!!!!!!) Posted: (6728 days ago)
Subject: Help! (Texts: 1 )

What does the heading mean on the writing when you set a page up?


Post nr: 3898
Author: Font (www.writersco.com - New website! Register now!) Posted: (6755 days ago)
Subject: Writing Ratings (Texts: 2 )

The explanation for ratings is now linked to the word 'ratings' on the uploaded writing pages.


Post nr: 3879
Author: dmeredith Posted: (6758 days ago)
Subject: Rating2 (Texts: 16 )

I actually wrote the previous comment without reading this particular stream, but a 1-9 break down from say "9=pulitzer material-single best thing I've ever read in my life" to "1=unadulterated crap fit for nothing but gerbal cage lining",for example and then do that for each number 1-9 would be helpful too. Then like I suggested before you could link that chart to the word "Rating" at the top of each writings page.


Post nr: 3850
Author: Kachi Posted: (6762 days ago)
Subject: Very possibly a stupid image question. (Texts: 8 )

That is, the question is very possibly stupid, not the image...

I'd like to contribute graphics to Writersco (since I never have so much to do at work anyway...), but... how do you actually upload images to Writersco? I've seen that people can, but... I have no clue how to do it. *is rather dumb with things like this*

So help please, or just laugh at me if the question is a really stupid one. :P


Post nr: 3849
Author: iippo (The Rater's Guild - Rate writings, kids!) Posted: (6762 days ago)
Subject: Poll How-to (Texts: 2 )

After reading this wiki several times, I still don't understand how to make a wikipoll. T_T

It says "tags in bold" -- what's the tag? Or do you need to put the bold tag around something? Or the text in that wiki in bold is the tag (there is no text in bold on that page...)


Post nr: 3677
Author: Moorn (New name: Mister Saint) Posted: (6778 days ago)
Subject: New Stylesheet / look (Texts: 37 )

Is there any way for me to set it so that WC looks it did before (with the pastel blue background instead of all the gray)? The new setup is hard on my eyes. ^^


Post nr: 3656
Author: Grey Wanderer Posted: (6787 days ago)
Subject: Uh...how does this thing work? (Texts: 9 )

I seem to be asking that question a lot recently. I don't exactly expect an all-out explanation of how the forums work, but I'm trying to get a feel for it, so any responce would help...I think. I'm trying to figure it out as I go along.


Post nr: 3210
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (6821 days ago)
Subject: Invite Scores (Texts: 3 )

Is there a help page for the way the scoring system works with invites? If so, where?


Post nr: 3147
Author: Moorn (New name: Mister Saint) Posted: (6823 days ago)
Subject: Scores and Penalties (Texts: 2 )

I was just glancing at my invite members score thingy, and I was kind of curious as to what the points actually mean and why there are penalties. I thought penalties were for inviting members who went inactive, but I seem to have lost two points for [Nightshadow] who is far from inactive. Thoughts?


Post nr: 3098
Author: Stephen (Revive Writersco! ) Posted: (6825 days ago)
Subject: Split Buttons? (Texts: 3 )

This isn't really a drastic problem, it just looks strange. I've also tried it on a different computer, and with my screen resoultion set to both 1024x768 and 800x600, but it looks the same. I'm using Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7


Edit: I'm talking about the buttons at the bottom of the message box, as seen in the picture, the list Members you have recieved messages from as such boxes.


Post nr: 2876
Author: iippo (The Rater's Guild - Rate writings, kids!) Posted: (6858 days ago)
Subject: Rating (Texts: 10 )

How does that rating thing work exactly? Who can rate and what's the highest thing you can put? Can you change your rating afterwards?

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